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Nauset Concepts, LLC is an aggressive, leading-edge start-up company headquartered in Houston, Texas. Nauset Concepts was founded and is operated under tenets of perpetual business innovation, technological advancement and good works. Nauset Concepts holds strongly to its mission and philosophy: exceptional service; unparalleled dedication to its clients and causes; team commitment and empowerment; industry leadership; and advanced design, development, deployment and delivery of technologies.

Nauset Concepts, LLC began as a seed of an idea in Williamstown, Massachusetts, in 1999. Two years and countless hurdles later, this idea began to take shape. Nauset Biotechnology Group was formed in Houston, Texas, in 2001, with an initial focus on developing and providing support for novel biotechnologies and business applications.

In late 2002, Nauset Biotechnology Group became NausetBIO, or Nauset Business Innovations and Outsourcing, and merged with the young software and internet design outfit Stratus Designs out of Austin, Texas. Custom business consulting and internet technology design and support fueled the young company as it began to assess its goals. NausetBIO decided to ply its wares, and entered the marketplace with its consulting and software development services. Soon thereafter, the nascent company was formally organized, and Nauset Concepts, LLC was born.

Nauset Concepts, LLC chose the legal industry as its initial entry market, and has enjoyed unprecedented success and growth in the industry. Race Point Legal was formed to manage Nauset Concepts’ clients and interests in the legal arena, and develops its own products and services. The OnPoint Law Office & Litigation Suite, DiscoverEase Protocol for digital discovery, and the Mobile War Room were all pre-released in fully supported live test environments. As Nauset Concepts continued to grow and expand into new industries in 2004, Highland Politics & Policy and Monomoy Multimedia were formed, and operate independently from, yet cooperatively with, the other divisions of Nauset Concepts, LLC.

Late in 2004, Nauset Concepts organized a non-profit, Pharos Philanthropy, to coordinate its good works, pro bono and in kind efforts. The year also enjoyed the opening of Nauset Concepts’ first regional operations satellite office, Nauset Concepts New England, on Cape Cod. Development of products and services continued, and Nauset Concepts again assessed its goals in light of the growth and success of the previous year, including a gross revenue increase of 250%. Additionally, Nauset Concepts announced the formation of the Nauset Futures program, which will explore future efforts in advanced technology arenas such as biotechnology (NausetBio) and nanotechnology (NausetNano).

In 2005, Nauset Concepts, LLC and its subsidiaries and divisions anticipate continued exponential growth. Further efforts will be made, stronger strategic partnerships forged, more customers acquired, and new products and services released in all of Nauset Concepts’ current operating industries. Because Nauset Concepts, LLC expects to see such remarkable growth, the Company will likely seek funding for further expansion throughout the coming year. Investor programs have been established, and a comprehensive marketing platform will be launched early in 2005.

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